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Magus 5 quiz questions

1. Who wrote The Well-Tempered Keyboard Instrument (Das Wohltempierte Klavier)? You don't have to know what was the point of it being 'well-tempered'.

2. Which painter, though male, had periods: blue and rose?

3. Which of the Seven Wonders of the (ancient) World was a library?

4. Who 'had an onion on my belt because it was the style at the time'?

5. David Whish-Wilson wrote an historical novel called Line of Sight based on the life and death of a brothel madam who was shot dead in June 1975 in Perth. What was her name?

6. Guess who was coming to dinner in 1967?

7. A friend described a motor sport track in these terms: 'For 15 euros per 13-mile lap you can drive anything you want as fast or slow as you want as many times as you want or can afford with a few very sensible rules. You share the track with all the other idiots. If somebody crashes they shut the gate, send out the tow truck and ambulance, clean up and then open the gates. About twelve people a year get killed, mostly motorcyclists.' What is the name of this motor racing venue? (I hope there's only one that fits this description.)

8. Which jazz musician was known as 'Bird'?

9. What was the name of the town in which was the hospital where Florence Nightingale (the Lady with the Lamp) famously nursed during the Crimean War? If that's too hard, what country is it now in?

10. Who founded Hillsong (church) in 1983?


Garry Gillard | New: 4 December, 2022 | Now: 5 December, 2022