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Magus 7 (religions) quiz questions

1. Which is the oldest world religion?

2. Which religion's adherents read the Quran?

3. Which religion's founder lived in India c. 5th century BCE?

4. The adherents of which religion believe that their god was also born as a human being who lived and was killed and then came back to life again?

5. The adherents of which Abrahamic religion read the Torah?

6. Which religion's members follow The Way?

7. The three pillars of which religion are non-violence, non-absolutism, and asceticism?

8. Which religion developed from the spiritual teachings of Guru Nanak (1469-1539)?

9. The adherents of which religion are animists who believe in supernatural entities called the kami?

10. The adherents of which religion believe in a deity called Ahura Mazda from which emanates the life force Asha?


Garry Gillard | New: 24 December, 2022 | Now: 24 December, 2022