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Eric Reudavey

REUDAVEY, Eric Wilfred

janet ericEric, the fourth child of Henry and Cerceda worked on the home farm. In the 1930s he was a member of the Jibberding tennis club and in 1935 he played Country week Tennis for Wubin. In 1938 he went to Mount Magnet to look for work which proved very hard to find as there were 300 men looking for work at that time. He was 18 months truck driving, carting ore for Hill 50 Mine. In November 1939 he enlisted in WW II from Mount Magnet. While serving overseas, Eric was wounded on Crete and taken prisoner of war. From Crete he was moved to Athens and spent Christmas 1941 in Germany - the coldest winter for 21 years with the temperature being 25 degrees below zero. Eric states that he did not want to see ice and snow ever again. He was later taken to Poland. After the war he worked for a mining firm at Wiluna until the end of 1947 when he obtained a war service block south of Moora.

Janet and Eric on their wedding day, 24 September 1947.

He married Janet KENNEDY (b. 6.12.1923) on 24.9.1947 in Mosman Park, and had three children, Kerry Isobel, b. 16.7.1948, Denise Janet, b. 26.3.1950 and Gregory Eric, b. 25.11.1952. The family moved to Perth in 1972. Janet died on 1.3.1998 and her ashes are in the Rose Garden at Karrakatta. Eric had his 91st birthday in October 2004 while living in Floreat Park, Perth.

References and Links

See also: Eric's father, the Jibberding pioneer,Henry Reudavey; and his brothers, Frank, and Alan, and Mary Ann Hocking (Henry's mother-in-law).

Source: A History of Wubin 1908 to 1939, Wubin Progress Incorporated [2005?]

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