Garry Gillard > genealogy > Australian ancestors
My parents and all four of my grandparents were born in Australia; but only two of my greatgrandparents (William Hill and his wife Margaret Roberts). Of the others, three were born in England, one in Scotland, one in Shetland, and one in Ireland. (Margaret Roberts was the daughter of a Welshman, tho born in Melbourne.)
Garry Michael Gillard's father, David Michael Gillard, was born in Perth, 23 May 1905.
David Michael Gillard's father, William Edgar Gillard, was born in Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria. He died in 1906 at Yundramindra, WA.
William Edgar Gillard's father, Robert Dyer Gillard, was born in 1830 in Martock, Somerset. He came to Victoria in 1854 as a sergeant in the army. He died one year before his son William Edgar, in 1905, aged 75.
William Edgar Gillard's mother Martha McGrath was born in Tipperary.
David Michael Gillard's mother, Ethel May Hill, was born 13April 1885 St Helena Place off Halifax Street, Adelaide, South Australia.
Ethel May Hill's father William Samuel Hill was born in Launceston, Tasmania.
Ethel May Hill's mother Margaret Roberts was born in Melbourne, the daughter of a Welshman.
Garry Michael Gillard's mother, Mary Linda Robertson, was born 24 November 1915, at 82 Maud St Geelong, Victoria.
Mary Linda Robertson's father, James Need Robertson, was born 5 October 1877, Purnim Road near Woodford Shire Warrnambool, Victoria. Birth registered 20 October 1877, no. 30.
James Need Robertson's father, James Robertson, was born in Shetland about 1842, and died 23 October 1905, perhaps in or near Ballarat, Victoria.
James Need Robertson's mother, Frances Mary Halls, was born in Blaxhall, Suffolk, England, about 1846.
Mary Linda Robertson's mother, Christina Bennett, was born 2 February 1880, Scotchmans, Bunninyong, near Ballarat, Victoria.
Christina Bennett's father, Henry Bennett, was born 14 Aug 1835, York, England. He was a miner, at least in Australia.
Christina Bennett's mother, Christina Patterson, was born Stirling, Scotland.
Of my eight grand-parents, six were immigrants to Australia:
Robert Dyer Gillard (g-g-father) arrived in Sydney on HMS Vulcan 5 November 1852, as a member of the 2nd/40th Foot (Second Somersetshire Regiment). This was the regiment that put down the Eureka rebellion in Ballarat in 1854. I’m not sure that he was actually there, but I assume so.
His first wife, Margaret/Martha McGrath (g-g-mother) was born in Tipperary in 1838 and married RDG in 1857 in Bendigo. Unknown on what ship she arrived, and whether she came alone or not.
James Robertson (g-g-father, 1841-1905) was born in Hellister, was a sailor, and worked his passage to Australia, disembarking in Sydney in 1867.
His wife, Mary Frances Halls (g-g-mother, 1848-1924) was born in Blaxsall and came to Australia in 1867 as a single woman ('servant') on the John Temperly. She became friendly with Agnes, Margaret, and Arthur Robertson, who were travelling on the ship, and accompanied them to Western Victoria where she met James.
Henry Bennett was from York - ship unknown.
His wife Christina Patterson was from Stirling - ship unknown.
Of the g-g-g generation ...
Thomas Hill was born in Gloucestershire, and came to Tasmania from Mauritius ...
... with his wife Sarah FOX (Mills) Hill was born in Port Louis, Mauritius. She came to Launceston, where she gave birth to Billy Hill, but no shipping details have come down.
Hugh Roberts was presumably born in Wales (I've forgotten how I 'know' this) and his daughter Margaret was born in Melbourne, so he may have come to live in Australia.
... with his wife, Harriet Boyce, if so.
Arthur Robertson (g-g-g-father, 1815-1896) was born in Hellister, Shetland, came first, arriving at Geelong, Victoria in 1863 on the Vanguard, Master: Henry Corven ...
... with his wife Margaret Henderson, also born in Shetland. (However, their son my grandfather was born in Shetland, as were they.)
I'm assuming that all of the parents of my remaining five g-g-g-parents did not immigrate here. So it looks as though twelve (12) of my ancestors were boat people.
I can name only three ships altogether.
Garry Gillard | New: 27 January, 1997 |Now: 9 October, 2021